Get in touch for expert chiropractic care
Explore the comprehensive range of services offered by Stuart McCarthy Chiropractic, as a reputable local chiropractor in Newcastle Upon Tyne. From chiropractic treatments to tailored pain relief options, my key pages provide detailed insights. Don't hesitate to reach out for a bespoke treatment plan that prioritises your health and well-being.
Contact me for tailored chiropractic solutions
Stuart McCarthy Chiropractic is conveniently located in Newcastle Upon Tyne, offering accessible expert care from an experienced practitioner. Benefit from ongoing deals such as discounted adjustment blocks and free initial screenings. My proven track record and quality work ensure you receive top-notch care, helping you reclaim your well-being.
FAQ - Is It Dangerous?
Again, the answer to this is a very general “No.” In 150 years of the profession’s inception there have been an extremely small number of cases where there have been any serious incidents. As my old lecturer in college said on numerous occasions. ‘The chances of anything major happening is like being hit by lightning or being hit by a train on a dis-used railway track- not impossible but extremely unlikely.”
This is what the emphasis of the initial consultation is also for. To make sure that each patient is as safe as humanly possible before undertaking chiropractic care.
Contact us
Phone: 07886 368991
Email: stuartmccarthydc@gmail.com
1 Osborne Rd,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
Business Hours
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 08:00 - 19:00 Thursday: Closed
Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 14:00 Sunday: Closed
The clinic is based out of Jesmond Acupuncture Clinic, down the stairs to the LEFT of the Main entrance. The building itself is at the end/beginning of Osborne road driving as if you were to turn onto the coast road.
If you get lost, I always suggest giving me a call, and I will come and find you if I am not with another patient!