
  • Diversified

    This is one of the most common techniques out there, and is the one most likely seen on Youtube videos. A diversified adjustment is usually accompanied by a crack- but this is not a requirement.

  • McTimoney

    McTimoney technique is the technique that initially trained in, and is the technique that I received the first time I saw a chiropractor. It is a very lightweight approach that, at times, feels more like a sharp flick. A very effective technique for those patients in very acute pain.

  • Sacro-Occipital-Technique (SOT)

    Sacro-occipital technique is a very effective form of chiropractic that can address underlying issues with the spine and body by restoring the function and flow of the cerebral spinal fluid. A technical technique that is best known for using “Dejarnette blocks” (which look like big door stoppers).