Common FAQ’s

  • What’s the ‘Crack’?

    So the ‘Crack’ is what we in the business call a ‘cavitaton’ and is simply a release of pressure between the joints. When the joint is stretched beyond what is normally used beyond every day life, the pressure built up within the joint from everyday movement creates a small air bubble that ‘pops’ making a small cracking sound. It’s not the cracking or breaking of bones!

  • Does it hurt?

    The general answer to this question is “No”. However there are some very specific instances when the muscles surrounding the joints are particularly tight (due to the body subconsciously trying to protect the injured area) whereby they will tense around the area. This can cause some discomfort when receiving an adjustment, but nothing that is long lasting. Usually the best way to limit this is to try and relax as much as you can (easier said than done at times however)

  • Can I get worse after an adjustment?

    After an adjustment certain areas of the spine are sitting in a different position which affects how they function. This can cause some discomfort for a few days post treatment in order for the body to adjust to this new posiion. Therefore it is not uncommon a few days after an adjustment to feel some discomfort. It doesn’t mean that the treatment or adjustment hasn’t worked- it simply means that it’s responding to the treatment.

  • Who is Chiropractic for?

    In my tenure of being a Chiropractor, I have seen patients in their first 10 years of life to patient’s in their 90’s. From national powerlifters to patients suffering from cancer. The answer to this question is ‘everyone’! If you have a spine, you can benefit from chiropractic in some way, shape or form. I tailor each treatment and treatment plan to the patient in front of me so that each person can get the most out of their chiropractic care.

  • Is it dangerous?

    Again the answer to this is a very general “No”. In 150 years of the profession’s inception there have been an extremely small number of cases where there have been any serious incidents. As my old lecturer in college said on numerous occasions. ‘The chaces of anything major happening is like being hit by lightening, or being hit by a train on a dis-used railway track- not impossible but extremely unlikely”.

    This is what the emphasis of the initial consultation is also for. To make sure that each patient is as safe as humanly possible before undertaking chiropractic care.