What to expect on a first visit

There’s not much scarier than making the first steps to get yourself fixed. So I try and makes first visits as comfortable and as straightforward as humanly possible.

When you first make an appointment with me, you will be sent a small questionnaire to fill in before coming in. This is to give me a quick idea about what you are seeking treatment for, and to give me some ideas for follow-up questions to ask.

Once I’ve asked all of the questions that I need to we will go through a small physical exam to get a clearer idea of what is going on. This is a non-invasive procedure that will performed through clothing so there is no need to strip down, as I know some clinics require- Have no fear, I don’t ask this of any of my patients.

Once the physical exam is completed, then I will lightly adjust some specific areas of the spine. The adjustments will be lighter in this appointment, as I feel it’s important to see how the body responds to a lighter adjustment to see whether or not a stronger adjustment will be needed in follow-up treatments. This is to be able to tailor a treatment plan accordingly.

If you would like to book an appointment click here